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Posts tagged ‘Camp’

Six Reasons to Choose Girl Scout Camp

Camping is a great way for girls to explore new places, build new skills, and develop a deep appreciation for nature. All while having a blast with a bunch of new friends! No matter what your Girl Scout is interested in (archery, swimming, watercrafts, hiking or adventure trips) she can have a great summer at Girl Scout Camp and you can rest easy knowing she’s happy, healthy, and safe. With all of the camp options out there, why choose Girl Scout camp? Here are 6 reasons to choose our organization this summer for camp:

  1. Our Counselors Are Awesome! We hire qualified, energetic, and kid-tested staff who thoroughly enjoy spending time outdoors mentoring youth. They are trained to help girls through common hurdles at camp such as homesickness, conflict resolution, and crisis management so no matter what happens, the girls are supported and safe. 
  2. No Boys Allowed! When girls are surveyed about camp, they consistently say the fact that camp is for “girls only” is something they love. Makes sense. Who doesn’t love getting in some girl time?   giphy
  3. We Put Safety First! Our camps have high standards and are accredited by the American Camp Association because of our commitment to providing a safe environment for our girls. We also adhere to Girl Scouts of the USA’s Safety Activity Checkpoints for all our activities. safety first
  4. Electronic Free Zone! Do your girls need a nature reboot? Have you ever taken them hiking and they spent the whole time on their phone? At camp girls are highly encouraged to unplug (and here’s why) and leave the electronics at home as they experience nature first hand, no instagram filters allowed. They’ll be amazed as their camp time flies by without status updates, twitter feeds, or instagram cluttering the day. nature hike at camp
  5. We’re Scheduled, But Not Too Scheduled! Having a consistent structure is the key to a well run camp and girls will quickly become accustomed to their daily schedule, but the counselors also build in time for the units to make their own decisions (that whole Girl-Led thing Girl Scouts promotes) and choose activities so the girls have opportunities to take charge too. 
  6. The Nature Benefit! As our earlier post mentioned, spending time outdoors has many benefits for mental health. Sending a child to our camps means they’ll be spending a significant portion of their day outside, which means increased problem solving and decreased anxiety, depression, and other issues. And who wouldn’t want that for their kid?nature dance-sanda bullock

So now that you know the best reasons to send your girl to Girl Scout camp, what are you waiting for? Choose the camp that best fits your girl from our many options and save your space at camp today!